
Internet Marketing : How to Turbo-Boost Your Online Sales to New Heights

Not happy with the amount of online sales you are making? In this simple Internet marketing strategy guide, I will show you 10 boundless ways to turbo-boost your sales to new heights.

1. Trigger your prospect's emotions in your ads

In order to inspire your prospects to buy from you, you need to trigger some form of emotion inside their minds in your sales copies. A line such as "Make more money online" will do nothing to arouse any form of excitement in your prospects.

But try something like "Get ready to fire your boss!" and you will get the adrenaline pumping through the veins of your audience.

2. Ensure that your product solves a problem

More often than not, people go on the Internet looking for information to solve a certain problem. So make sure that you not only highlight a problem to your prospects, but you also magnify the size of it, and then go on and show how your product can solve the problem. The general rule is this : the bigger the problem, the more sales you will make.

3. Use your online profits wisely

I know that you will get very excited when you see profits come pouring into your online business. But please keep your excitement to a minimum. You need to constantly re-invest some of your profits back into your business to bring in even more sales. Spend it wisely on various types of online marketing, improve your product, customer service etc.

4. Get your prospects to think

One of the ways to catch your prospects' attention is to ask questions that will force them to do some thinking. Make them think about their current situation or problems. For example, you can ask something like :" Are you sick and tired of your dead end job? How would you like to break free from your terrible and unreasonable boss?"

5. Create a resource center

Revamp your website to turn it into a targeted resource center. You would need to do some research on this. Once you settled on a particular subject, the next step is to build on it. Gather all the free resources you can find on the Internet, like free e-books, free e-courses, free software, etc and add them into your resource center. This Internet marketing strategy will help you grow the number of repeat customers who are interested in that particular topic in your resource center.

6. Offer genuine free stuff

When you promise to offer something free to your customers, make sure that you are true to your word. If your visitors go to your site because you tell them that you are offering some free software, but found out that they actually need to pay a small fee, then they will really hate you for that. They will lose their trust in you, and will not buy from you. Forever.

7. Create an online forum or message board

Your visitors would want to interact with other people who share the same interests and passion about a particular topic. So in order not to disappoint them, you can create an online forum or message board so that your customers will come back to your site regularly to interact freely with one another.

8. Entice other people to link to your site

Link popularity is the way to go if you want a decent ranking in the major search engines, so entice other people to link back to your site. You would want to offer something free in exchange for their favor.

9. Ensure your website is compatible with all browsers

Make sure that your website looks good in all browsers, because you could be losing some valuable customers if your site looks distorted and gibberish in some web browsers.

10. E-mail solo ads to your subscriber base

Solo email ads are widely accepted as one of the most effective form of online advertising. So if you own an e-zine, then you can email full page solo ads on your offers periodically e.g once or twice a month to your subscribers. But please remember to inform them that they will receive email ads before they subscribe, because if you fail to do that, they may take it as you are spamming them.