Research indicates that sex not only has a physical dimension, but also a psychological basis. Therefore, both a happy mind and a healthy body are vital in achieving sexual enhancement.
To improve your sex life, give precedence to sex. If you keep postponing it for want of time and energy, you are likely to lose interest in sex. Fix time for daily household chores for yourself and your spouse.
At the end of the day, relax for some time with her. Do something you both enjoy like playing cards or watching television. Being together itself is a major turn on and can lead to passionate sex.
Male sex enhancement can also be achieved by creating the right ambience for sex. Most of the time women end up buying aromatic candles and soft furnishings for the bedroom. Why not surprise your wife by buying some heart-shaped cushions and scented candles and oils. Switch off bedroom lights, light those candles and massage her with the aromatic oil.
Communication is another means to male sex enhancement. Clearly express what you want your spouse to do and how you want it done. After people are married for several years they generally take each other for granted and stop communicating. This causes boredom to set in.
Apart from communicating your needs in bed, leave notes in your wife's bag or call her simply to say you love her and how attractive she is. These are meant not only for Valentine's Day or your wedding anniversary. You'll soon find your wife reciprocating and the sense of mutual attractiveness will contribute to sex enhancement both qualitatively and quantitatively.
You can also enhance your sex life by trying out various positions and changing the location for sex. Sex does not have to be restricted to your bedroom; you can do it in the bathroom and even the kitchen! Read up books and watch videos to learn about different positions.
This way both of you will not suffer boredom and will be encouraged to remain monogamous. In addition, note your partner's hot spots and focus on them during lovemaking. The pleasure your partner expresses will itself boost both your ego and sexual satisfaction.
Male sex enhancement can be achieved by a little effort from both partners. You do not need to visit a doctor for prescription drugs or invest in a penis enhancement pump to invigorate your sex life. You require sexual enhancement pills, prescription or otherwise only if have a serious sexual disorder or an ailment that is causing such a disorder.
Even sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are as much rooted in the mind as in the body. For example, if you find your wife unattractive you are unlikely to get an erection. The problem in this case is psychological and not physical.
To conclude, love and companionship between spouses is as important for male sex enhancement as physical intimacy. You cannot expect your wife to respond to your sexual urge in bed if you keep a distance from her otherwise. Think of what is attractive about her and pamper her. If she is happy, she'll keep you happy!