Looking for a credit card that rewards you every time you use it? Then the BP Visa Rewards Card might be right for you! This credit card is issued through Chase and offers the extensive benefits that are available when you become a part of the Visa network through their extensive rewards program.
The BP Visa Rewards Card will work well for anyone who has good credit ratings already and who are looking to save some extra money, especially at the gas pump. In order to successfully apply for the card, you must first be sure that you have no history of declaring bankruptcy, that you have no delinquent accounts as far as credit, and that you have not been turned down by the Chase company in the last six months. After that, all you need to do is fill out the online forms and you will be notified if you have been approved within a short time.
The BP card offers and introductory rate of 0% APR for the first six months. After this time, the APR will go to 15.24% for elite pricing and 19.24% for premium pricing. There is never an annual fee for using this card. You can also take advantage of your new card by transferring any outstanding balances onto it, thus consolidating your debts in one location. This will make your outstanding balances much easier to manage. Signing up for the elite or premium pricing options will mean that you are charged 0% for the first six billing cycles against the transfer, after which the APR will go to the rates mentioned above.
As far as rewards rebates go, the BP Visa Rewards Card offers some good introductory rates. You can expect to earn 10% rebates when you use the card at all BP locations. In addition, you will receive 4% rebates on all eligible dining and travel purchases as well as a 2% rebate on all other eligible purchases. For the first three billing cycles of your card, your earning percentages will actually be doubled! After the introductory period has ended, your rebate percentage will go back to the standard rebate of 5%, 2%, and 1% respectively. That means that even after the introductory period, every dollar you spend could get you five cents back.
You can choose how to redeem your rebates yourself, and the card provides several options when you reach $25 in rebate earnings. You can choose to have it reimbursed through a check made payable to you, through a BP gift certificate, or through a donation to environmental charity The Conservation Fund made in your name.
The BP Visa Rewards Card makes it easy for you to manage your account. You can utilize the Internet to check your account balances and remind you of your transactions 24 hours a day. You will also have access to the Visa help line, and you are entitled to 0% liability insurance in the case of an unauthorized transaction.