Many flock to the internet daily in pursuit of a profitable home based internet business. The problem is, there is so much hype on the internet about instant overnight riches that people get caught up in this.
If you really want a home based internet business that will be successful and bring you a very comfortable income, make no mistake about it, there are no instant riches.
Launching a home based business online takes a lot of work in the beginning stages, and an on-going effort once it is successful.
Be prepared to give a year of your otherwise leisure time to growing a profitable homw based internet business.
You may hear about getting into Google in two or three days. That could happen. It's not likely if you are new to internet business, but it could happen. And then what? Well, where in google? There are millions of sites competing for any given keyword. You may be in, but it could be at the bottom of the dogpile.
Getting into any of the search engines is good. It's a start, but there is much work to be done to get your online business upfront where searchers will begin to see it, and you start getting any meaningful traffic.
Forget about turnkey websites. These people pump out many websites that are exactly alike. This makes them impossible to promote to search engines. The content is all the same. The only way to succed with these it to pour money into paid advertising.
If they were so easy to promote and so profitable, why wouldn't the creators just buy a gazillion domain names and make all the money themselves? Because it is costly to be successful if you have to rely solely on paid advertising.
If being successful in a home based online business is really what you want, and not just a dream, you'll have to get out of your armchair, roll up your sleeves and get to work.
Find a market that has enough demand while having a low enough level of competition that you can succeed. You will have competition, but competition is good because it indicates a demand. But you will have to work at competing.
Build your own unique to you website that sets your online business apart, and with your own domain name, preferably one that indicates what your business is about.
Online businesses can be built very inexpensively as compared to a traditional offline business. But do keep in mind that this is business, just like offline businesses, and they require effort, time investment and dedication.
The internet is indeed a land of opportunity right now for those who have vision, and are willing to do the work necessary to make dreams a reality.
There are many resources available on the internet that can be helpful to a new online marketer and will greatly help in guiding you and educating you on how to proceed and grow a profitable home based internet business.