It's almost a guarantee when you check your mailbox you will have a couple pieces of mail offering you a pre-approved credit card. Now most people will casually discard them without any regard to the offer that is inside. But before you throw away that credit card offer you may want to take a peek at it. Many credit card companies are now offering you FREE rewards just for using your credit card! There are many different rewards credit cards out there including gas rebate, travel rewards, and cash back credit cards. Lets take a look at what these cards offer...
Gas Rebate Credit Cards
Want to save money at the pump? Right now the average gas price in the U.S. is hanging around $3 a gallon with no relief in sight. Many credit card issuers now offer some sort a gas rebate credit card. These cards offer the consumer anywhere from 3% - 10% cash back on their gas purchases with many having no annual fee! Many of these gas cards can be used at any gas station so there is no need having to purchase gas from one particular company. With many of us feeling the pinch at the pump these cards offer a little relief.
Travel Rewards Credit Cards
Wanting to take that dream vacation but can't seem to afford it? Well you can now take your dream vacation just by using your credit card. Travel reward credit cards let you redeem points for flights, hotel stays, cruises, rental cars, and more! A lot of these cards offer 1 point for every dollar you spend and some having no annual fee! Card issuers are now even giving away bonus points (up to 15,000 points) the first time you use your card. With many of these cards offering no black out dates and some letting you fly any airline you choose, planning your vacation may have just gotten easier.
Cash Back Credit Cards
Want to get paid for using your card? Well it might be worth your time to look at a cash back credit card. These cards offer up to 5% cash back on qualified purchases and 1% cash back when used on all other purchases. These cards normally have no annual fee and you can earn cash back on any purchase. Redeem your rewards by having a check mailed to you or have the money credited to your bank account. Now that's money in your pocket!
Keep in mind when looking for a credit card to always try and find that card that will work for you. Which credit card has features that will benefit you the most? Remember that these rewards credit cards typically have a higher interest rate and some do have an annual fee. But by paying off your card every month you can take advantage of these great offers.