
Hydraulic machinery

What is hydraulic machinery?
Hydraulic machinery refers to machines that use high pressure fluid to accomplish work. They are most common in heavy equipment for industrial use. More specifically hydraulic fluid is pumped to a high pressure level and then moved throughout the machines by different actuators. The hydraulic pump itself is powered by a regular engine or electric motor. The pressurized fluid is distributed through various hoses and tubes. To really get a grasp on the power of hydraulic machinery, you'll want to read about the theory behind it.
Hydraulic machinery is very popular because of the enormous amount of power that can be transferred through small tubes and flexible hoses, and the wide variety of equipment that makes use of this technology.
What is the theory behind hydraulics?
Fluid pressure lies behind the theory of hydraulics. This is easily summed up in a few general principles.
One, a large amount of energy can be carried by a small flow of highly pressurized fluid.
Two, forces acting on a small area can create a much larger force by acting on a larger area by using hydrostatic pressure.
And three, a large amount of energy can be carried by a small flow of highly pressurized fluid.
Hydraulic machinery provides a tremendous amount of power and force with a very small amount of components. A small hydraulic cylinder that you could literally hold in your hand can easily supply in excess of 70, 000 Newtons of force. Remember that 1 Newton of force translates in to 0.2248 lb.
The future of hydraulic machinery

As technology increases, pressure levels in hydraulic machines become higher and higher. The more pressure, the more work and the more power these machines have. For example cranes in the future will be able to cary even heavier loads while the physical size of the equipment stays relatively the same. Higher pressure means more work, but doesn't take up any more space. There are other technologies for heavy work machines, but the reliability and the cost factor of hydraulics make it the number one choice in heavy equipment machines and this trend will definitely continue long into the future.
